We'd love to make the verification procedure fast and easy for you! Please help us with that and make sure your documents comply with the following requirements.
The verification process is a mandatory requirement we have as a European regulated Company.
To verify your profile you need to complete the online Questionnaire and provide a Proof of Identity and a Proof of Address. This serves to confirm that the trading account(s) is operated by yourself, the actual account owner.

Proof of Identity documents:
• To upload a passport, both internal pages should be provided in the same photo or scan
• To upload an ID card or Driving License, front and back sides should be provided
• The name on your profile should match the name on your Proof of Identity
• Documents should be valid (not expired)
• To upload a passport, both internal pages should be provided in the same photo or scan
• To upload an ID card or Driving License, front and back sides should be provided
• The name on your profile should match the name on your Proof of Identity
• Documents should be valid (not expired)

Proof of Address documents:
• The name on your profile should match the name on your Proof of Address
• The document confirming the address should be issued within the last 6 months
• PO Boxes are not accepted
• The name on your profile should match the name on your Proof of Address
• The document confirming the address should be issued within the last 6 months
• PO Boxes are not accepted
Allowed file types: png, jpeg, jpg, gif, and pdf. The file size does not exceed 10 MB
In color; Clear and readable; In full page (not cropped); Of high quality
Your personal data stays safe and protected against unauthorized access.
Please watch the video below to learn how to upload your documents in a few easy steps:
*For subtitles, please click on Settings button and choose your language